Welcome to Friends of Samaritan's Place!
Friends of Samaritan’s Place is the United States affiliate partner of Samaritan’s Place, an organization devoted to orphaned, abandoned, and neglected children in the Philippines.

2025 – SP Celebrates

25 Years of Service!

Next year marks a major milestone for FSP’s partner agency in the Philippines.

In 2025, SAMARITANS (SP) will celebrate its 25th Anniversary!

As we prepare to remember and rejoice in SP’s past achievements, we also plan to identify target areas for investment to enhance SP’s impact for the future!

Property improvement plans call to re-roof and repaint the duplex homes; purchase a new van; to repair old equipment; renovate some living zones; to continue to develop the vegetable and fruit garden; and to beautify and decorate the playground area.

On the “people” investment side, we plan to finally  launch a Friends of SP Philippines chapter. Many  private, corporate or government groups already visit SP to make a difference! But it is time to broaden the friends network to help strengthen and sustain SP!

.All these special agenda will take place while SP and FSP continue normal operations of facilitating adoptive families to pick up children, supervising international interns from Missions2Go, and hosting international volunteer teams.

Our FSP  board is committed to wisely build and oversee the budding endowment designated for SP. The endowment is a base of resources dedicated to help the perpetuity of SP’s operations, of providing loving family based care for the orphan children in a high quality home environment.

The bottom line is that when we think of SP reaching a milestone like a 25 th Anniversary, it becomes clear that it takes many friends to make Samaritans Place a reality!

From the bottom of our hearts, then, we say ” Thank you!” We aim to keep making you proud of being a friend of Samaritans Place!

Marc & Marilen Morris


5 Reasons to Consider Adoption

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Every Child Needs a Family & Home

Every Child Needs a Family & Home

At Friends of Samaritan’s Place, we believe every child needs a family and home. It is easy for those who have a family and home to take for granted the gift they have every day. Building hope begins with family.

More than 3,000 children are cleared and waiting for international adoption

More than 3,000 children are cleared and waiting for international adoption

In the Philippines, there are more than 3,000 children who need a family and a home. At Friends of Samaritan’s Place, we believe every single one of these children need a home. Join our efforts in telling everyone you know about the gift of adoption.

Experience the Joy of Loving a Child

Experience the Joy of Loving a Child

At Friends of Samaritan’s Place, we believe children are a joy! There is no greater joy then having the opportunity to love a child and raise them to be men and women of God.

Complete Your Life & Family

Complete Your Life & Family

One of the most compelling images in the Bible is adoption. The concept of adoption plays out in the redemption language God uses of his children. From God creating humankind in his image to the fall of the human race in the Garden to the redeeming act of Jesus Christ upon the Roman cross, God has pursued us in order to bring us into his family once more.

Today is the Name of Every Orphan, Tomorrow is too Late.

Today is the Name of Every Orphan, Tomorrow is too Late.

There is an estimated 153,000,000 orphans in the world. A large majority of orphans and street kids do not know where their next meal is coming from. They do not have a safe or secure place to spend the night. They do not live with either their mother or father. It only takes one caring person to make a lifelong difference in the life of an orphan. Every child deserves safety and stability; a place to call home, regular meals, loving caregivers.

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