New Van for SP!

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Transportation is always a need in a country like the Philippines!

Whether it is bringing SP orphan kids to Manila for adoption medical/visas, hosting adoptive families and facilitating volunteer teams, or getting to administrative meetings, mobilization is vital to the success of operations at Samaritan’s Place.

Thanks to the generosity of Daystar’s Marcus and Joni Lamb, along with a very special donation from Dr. and Mrs. Howdy Bouis*, Samaritan’s Place was able to recently purchase a new van to meet constant and ever growing need for reliable transportation.

Just before the Christmas break, the new Hyundai Grand Starex was delivered

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It is a beauty and will help SP keep serving the kids, adoptive families and volunteers with excellence.

Thank you Marcus and Joni Lamb, as well as Dr. and Mrs. Bouis, for being true FRIENDS of SP!


* Note: Dr. Howdy Bouis was a winner of the 2016 World Food Program Award, which is a Nobel laureate honor in agriculture. He and his lovely wife Babs graciously shared some of his award with Samaritan’s Place to help make the van purchase possible.

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